Friday, January 4, 2008

Friday's DONK of the WEEK!

In an effort to get you degenerates to come back here at least once a week, I am starting the "Donk of the Week" Award. I'll try and nominate players from TV so we can actually see the hand in question, but if I come across a particularly awful display of poker during my adventures throughout the week, I may use that too. Don't like it? Oh well. Make your own blog and award.

So without further ado...the Inaugural "Donk of the Week" is...(drum roll please)

Ken Light!


This guy:

He offends me on a multitude of levels:

1. He's from New Jersey, so every hayseed that stays up to watch Poker After Dark will associate NJ with this guy. What people don't understand is that any person that lives south or west of Newark might as well live in Idaho. North NJ is the only stretch of dirt in this state that is worth anything. That's why Tony Soprano does his business up north, and not with the rubes down south. Atlantic City gets a pass too...but only because it's an oasis in the desert of suck that is South Jersey.

2. He single-handedly ruined news boy caps. Apologies to Brad Pitt and Kangol, who made these lids cool for the rest of us to wear.

3. Then he embarrasses himself in the most cringe-worthy exchange in Poker TV history. I don't care what he claims, we know it, and everyone at that table knows it. He thought his Kh10s was good. It was donkey poker in it's purest form and I cackled with glee when Hellmuth needled him.

Click here to watch (the hand in question is at the 5:25 mark in the video)

The worst part of this hand is that he tables the cards. Way to give free info to the best players in the WORLD.

Like my friend Greg says: "Good Luck Bro."

Let's all stand and applaud Ken Light, the first ever Donk of the Week.

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